We wanted to make a list of the top 40 Irish products and think of a way to let
people know whats out there.  We went onto the Love Irish Food and Guaranteed
Irish websites to make our list.  When we had made out our list we decided that
the best way to show it to the public was by putting an advertisment in the
newspaper.  We e-mailed the New Ross Echo and asked if we could put in an
advertisment and they said we could.  We deicided that we wanted people to be
able to cut out the advertisment and maybe put it on their fridge so we wanted a
cut out line around the edge of the advertisment.  We hope that by putting an
advertismnt in the paper that people will see what products are Irish and will
hopefully spend more on Irish products.  We also contacted the Irish Farmers
Journal and asked if we could write a small paragraph outlining what the
different food symbols mean.

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